Antoni Tolmos
Antoni Tolmos News
Antoni Tolmos gives a conference for the company SUPSA
The SUPSA company of the Plusfresc supermarket chain had a personalized presentation by Antoni Tolmos where words and music came together to highlight the history of the company that was founded in 1929 as a small store in Lleida and has become a reference chain in...
Antoni Tolmos, musical director by “La Factoria dels Reixos”
More than 10,000 people have been able to enjoy the musical theater show "La Factoria dels Reixos", with artistic direction by Ramon Molins and musical direction by Antoni Tolmos. The work has featured more than 50 artists on stage, including musicians, actresses,...
Antoni Tolmos awarded with the “Silver Almond” for his career
Vilagrassa City Council has awarded the “Silver Almond” to Antoni Tolmos for his career as a musician, composer and populariser. The award ceremony was held within the framework of the Vilagrassa Almond Fair 2024. +info
Lleida native and winner of the third edition of the TV3 programme Eufòria, Lluís Sánchez, will perform in concert in Lleida accompanied by pianist and musical director Antoni Tolmos. Other guest artists will also take part in the concert, offering a repertoire full...
Antoni Tolmos creates a new gospel version of the International University anthem “Gaudeamus Igitur” About thirty musicians perform the new version of the International University anthem "Gaudeamus Igitur" under the direction and arrangements of the pianist, composer and professor at the Lleida University Antoni...
Antoni Tolmos, musical director of “La Factoria dels Reixos”
Antoni Tolmos has been the musical director of the show "La Factoría de los Reixos" organized by the Lleida City Council and under the artistic direction of Ramon Molins. 20 actresses and actors, 12 dancers and 7 musicians live and with the attendance of 9,000 people...
Antoni Tolmos collaborates with the artist Gisela Quirós
Antoni Tolmos' piano plays in the song LA LLORONA. A new production for the artist Gisela Quirós for which Tolmos is providing artistic direction and mentoring for his first album. Whatch the clip LA LLORORNA
“Piano interior” in concert. 15 work by Antoni Tolmos
On Saturday, October 7, 2023 at 7 p.m., Antoni Tolmos' latest album entitled "piano interior" was presented. A very intimate concert that will take place in the Boot Room of the Mas Blanch i Jové Winery in Pobla de Cérvoles (Lleida). info CD Piano interior...
Master Class sobre creatividad musical
Antoni Tolmos offered the Master Class "From instrument to thought" at the Summer School of Pedagogy at the Conservatory of the Performer in Lleida. Resources and tools to be able to improvise and create music in real time.
Conference by Antoni Tolmos for company managers in Barcelona
On July 12, 2023, Antoni Tolmos gave a conference on the impact of music on people's brains to the managers of the multinational AGBAR at the Teatre del Liceo in Barcelona.
Antoni Tolmos inaugurates the Summer School of the AEMCAT
With the conference "Do you know what a song is? Antoni Tolmos kicks off the 23rd Summer School of the Association of Music Teachers of Catalonia, which was attended by a hundred registrants.
Mama, vull ser artista! Master class gratuita
Online and free Master Class for mothers and fathers with children who want to be artists. (you can still avoid it) Wanting to dedicate yourself to music is often part of a vocation that awakens at a very early age. It is in the adolescent stage where the big doubts...
Antoni Tolmos in Tokio
Antoni Tolmos will offer a conference and concert on May 18 at the Noah Denenchofu Hall in Tokyo, Japan. In the recital he will offer a repertoire of jazz versions of the best-known boleros and love songs in history, putting the compositions and the life of his...
Two awards nominations in 2022
A balance of 2022 more than positive in productions for other artists. The EP “Tal com havia de ser” by Mariona Escoda, winner of Eufòria 2022, nominated for best songwriter album by Enderrock magazine. And the work "I am a nut" from the cia. Zum Zum teatre, directed...
TU MEJOR ESCENARIO. New book by Antoni Tolmos.
"TU MEJOR ESCENARIO. 12 claves para actuar en público y en la vida" It is the title of the new book by pianist and communicator Antoni Tolmos. A Milenio Editorial publication full of valuable content on the process of communicating, acting and expressing oneself in...
Mariona Escoda & Antoni Tolmos in concert in Lleida
Mariona Escoda and Antoni Tolmos offer an intimate concert full of great songs and ballads from the great repertoire. Mariona's voice is considered one of the brightest and most charming on the Catalan music scene, which has made her the recent winner of the TV3...
Antoni Tolmos publishes his album number 15 for piano in 10 singles.
10 singles 10 months “PIANO INTERIOR” is published every first Friday of the month between July 2022 and My 2023. 10 compositions with the warm piano sound who invites to the reflection and personal growth. Each of the compositions is accompanied by a motivational...
Webinar by Antoni Tolmos in the European Center of Human and Social Studies
Invited by the European Center of Human and Social Studies and El Trastero de las Artes, Antoni Tolmos will give a webinar entitled "Coaching and artistic projection" on Wednesday, June 8 at 8:30 p.m. A free access event via zoom. Aimed at artists of all disciplines,...
Soundtrack of the Josep Torrents’s novel
Antoni Tolmos has created the soundtrack for the novel "The Forgotten Overseas Fragrances" by the writer and disseminator Josep Torrents. Recorded on an antique piano from 1843, the music accompanies each of the 12 chapters of the novel that tells the story of a...
“2pianoS” new show with international hits
On Thursday, May 5, the show “2pianoS” was presented at the Enric Granados Auditorium with the pianists Antoni Tolmos and Josep M. Porté. The show takes a tour of the great classics of pop and rock music performed on two grand pianos that, in opposition, will bring...
Antoni Tolmos produces the first EP of the songwriter Mariona Escoda
Antoni Tolmos produces the first EP of the singer-songwriter Vallenca Mariona Escoda. "Tal com havia de ser" is the title of the young author's record work and it has been recorded in the studios l'intèrpret by Alfons Pérez and with mixing and mastering by Josep M....
Anrtoni Tolmos in concert in Penelles
The San Juan Baptista de Penelles church was the incomparable setting where Antoni Tolmos offered his concert dedicated to the best songs and boleros in history on January 2. The public that filled the church could enjoy the most personal versions of the Lleida...
Antoni Tolmos publica el CD VIDA
Antoni Tolmos publishes the CD VIDA (2022) which represents his thirteenth album as a pianist and composer. Recorded in May 2021 at Estudio Uno in Madrid, it distills solo piano works full of classical nuances with reminiscences of jazz and pop music. VIDA is...
Antoni Tolmos in concert in Barcelona
The pianist Antoni Tolmos presents the most personal and jazzy version of the melodies that have marked the history of twentieth century melodic music such as "Dos gardenias", "Angelitos negros", "Esta tarde vi llover" or "Contigo aprendí" in a intimate and special...
“2 Pianos. Porté & Tolmos”
"2 pianps. Porté & Tolmos" is a project was born in Lleida in 2021 and it is led by pianists Antoni Tolmos & Josep M. Porté. The show ‘2 pianos’ takes a tour throught the great classics of pop and rock music performed by two grand pianos that will bring the...
Documental and new version of “Cançó de Nadal”
Antoni Tolmos presents the documentary "Nadales Tolmos. 10 anys" and the 2021 version of the "Cançó de Nadal" sung on this occasion by the seven soloists who have participated in the project Nadales Tolmos for the last 10 years. With this publication Antoni Tolmos...
Antoni Tolmos en la mobile week de Terrassa
Antoni Tolmos will participate next July 8th as a speaker at the Terrassa mobile week together with 12 other international speakers in an event organized by the Ibero-American platform "La revolución blanda" directed by Colombian businessman Alejandro Ambrad. Under...
“The music that transforms you” International Congress the Art of Transforming
This May 14, Antoni Tolmos will offer the conference "The music that transforms you" during the International Art Congress organized by AEAPro, the Euro-American Association of Professionals in Human and Social Sciences.
Premiere in Gijón of “I’m a nut”
This May 11 and within the framework of the FETEN 2021 Theater Festival, the production “Soy una nuez” is premiered, directed by Ramón Molins from the Zum Zum Teatro company and for which Antoni Tolmos has written the original music that is also interpreted rigorously...
Music and moods. Presentation in Canal Senior
On April 27, Antoni Tolmos gave the presentation "How music influences moods". The streaming session was held on the SENIOR CHANNEL within the activities offered throughout the academic year.
Concert Antoni Tolmos
Boleros i cançons d’amor
Antoni Tolmos, piano
Tras el éxito en el concierto de estreno de este trabajo en la Navidad de 2019, Antoni Tolmos vuelve en el Auditorio Enric Granados con la versión más personal y jazzística de las melodías que han marcado la historia de la música melódica del siglo XX como “Dos gardenias”, “Angelitos negros” o “Esta tarde vi llover” en un concierto íntimo y especial que invita a viajar en el tiempo. Este nuevo trabajo está disponible en las plataformas digitales y también se puede adquirir en formato CD físico.
Actualmente Antoni Tolmos tiene publicados 12 trabajos discográficos como compositor y pianista que le han llevado a ofrecer conciertos y conferencias en diferentes países Europeos y más recientemente en la ciudad de Nueva York donde ha impartido la conferencia “The importance of music in life”. Es creador y presentador del programa “a4mans” que se puede seguir en la web de TV3 a la carta
Interiew in the magazine Lectura
The Sunday newspaper of the Segre Magazinehas published a report explaining the trajectory and the most outstanding projects of the pianist Antoni Tolmos
Interview from Poland “Art, culture and aging”
On January 4, 2021 Antoni Tolmos was interviewed from Poland by the Foundation "Fundacja Sztukowanie Pamięci" dedicated to degenerative diseases of memory through art and culture.
Live Concert on YOU TUBE
On Tuesday, December 29 Antoni Tolmos offered a live concert by YOU TUBE where he will perform the solo piano version of his Christmas songs. The six works of the "Nadales Tolmos" project have been sung for years throughout Catalonia, the Balearic Islands, Andorra and...
ETHNIC LOVE new clip by Antoni Tolmos
Antoni Tolmos has released a new video clip of his CD Energy. The piano theme is "Ethnic Love" and it is recorded live in one of the concerts that the pianist has offered from this album that was recorded at the Officina Sonora Studios of el Bigallo in Florence,...
“Les teves mans” the music of “a4mans” TV
Antoni Tolmos has published the complete version of the tune of the TV program that he presents and that can be followed on TV3 on demand. The song "Your hands" features the voice of the Cuban singer Yurelis Roque. In the following link you can download the lyrics...
New episode “a4mans”
This Tuesday, November 10, at 10:05 p.m. and on Channel 33 you will be able to see a new episode of the series created and presented by Antoni Tolmos "a4mans". On this occasion Tolmos will talk about life and music with Gloria Viladrich, mother of a child with cancer,...
New episode “a4mans” IDENTITAT
Antoni Tolmos interviewed LAURA just a month ago about the most important operation of her life. The other change, thought, is the one we have to make to the rest. In this new chapter we will talk about IDENTITY with her and with JULI, an ARTIST in capital letters...
“S’acosta el Nadal” by Antoni Tolmos is released
Antoni Tolmos offers the sixth installment of the "Nadales Tolmos" project with the song "S'ACOSTA EL NADAL". Song interpreted by Sara and Olimpia Roch, winners of the "Nadales Tolmos 2019" contest and accompanied by the EURIDICE CHORUS conducted by Dolors Ricart and...
Antoni Tolmos covers “Gaudeamus Igitur”
As part of the opening of the 20-21 course "Campus Iberus" and from the University of Lleida, Antoni Tolmos performed the university anthem "Gaudemaus Igitur" making some variations and improvisations on the piano. The event was broadcast live and by streaming through...
TV “a4mans” returns on the air
The television series "a4mans" created and presented by Antoni Tolmos returns on the air after the shutdown due to the confinement of this 2020. The first 4 chapters already broadcast will be reissued, giving 4 more unpublished chapters. The program can be followed on...
¡Esta canción es bestial!
¡Esta canción es bestial! por Antoni Tolmos. Eran la seis de la mañana de un día de julio del año 90. Tenía casi veinte años y justo hacía un par de horas que había finalizado la actuación con el grupo de versiones en donde tocaba la guitarra. Me senté en la furgoneta...
¿Qué es la música?
¿Qué es la música? por Antoni Tolmos. Suelo empezar la primera clase con estudiantes universitarios con una pregunta cerrada. Las preguntas cerradas son aquellas que pueden responderse únicamente con dos opciones "sí o no". Si añadimos una tercera opción, lo...
I’m a teenager and I want to became a musician
Wanting to dedicate himself to music often starts from a vocation that is awakened at very early ages. It is in the adolescent stage where the great doubts arise about how to give academic form to the vocation and also what possible job opportunities it can offer us....
“Creating songs” by Antoni Tolmos
From July 13 to 17 Antoni Tolmos will teach the course "I think songs" aimed at people who compose songs and would like to have new musical resources to enrich their creations. Everything in a very functional and understanding way. Info
Interview for Radio Hermes Argentina
The journalist Beatriz Vivar interviews Antoni Tolmos in the program "Travelers in Art" for Radio Hermes Argentina. In the interview, a review is made of the career of the pianist and composer, highlighting his latest album "Boleros and songs of love"....
Live Tolmos Concert on You tube
Antoni Tolmos gives a live concert in April 18th at 6 pm on you tube. This is a solidarity concert for the Funcació Arrels Sant Ignasi. SEE THE CONCERT
Antoni Tolmos in New York
On November 21, Antoni Tolmos offered the conference "The importance of music in life" to the Michiko Studios Hall in an event that had the support of the Ramon LLULL Institute in New York. Antoni Tolmos talked about how music becomes an essential element in the...
Antoni Tolmos in concert at Auditori de Lleida
Next 11th of desember at 9:00 pm at the Auditori Enric Granados de Lleida, Antoni Tolmos will offer the concert "Boleros i cançons d'amor" "Boleros i cançons d’amor" in the most personal and jazz version of pianist Antoni Tolmos. Melodies that have marked the history...
Antoni Tolmos prepares the “A 4 mans” series for Catalan Television
Antoni Tolmos is filming since last July the program "a 4 mans" for television in Catalonia. A series of eight chapters, presented by Antoni Tolmos, in which conversation and music will lead the viewer through the lives of different guests. TV3 works in the production...
Lectures in Lleida and Agramunt
Antoni Tolmos gave the conferences of conclusion of the academic course of the University Extension Classrooms of Lleida on June 4 and Agramunt on the 19th of the same. In his interventions Antoni Tolmos spoke about music, life and emotions, all illustrated with...
Antoni Tolmos, institucional proclamation in Lleida
On May 10, within the framework of the Major Festivals of May of Lleida 2019 and in the space of the plenary hall of the town hall, Antoni Tolmos offered the institutional proclamation that gave a starting point to the Local Festivities. Antoni Tolmos spoke about his...
Interview with Antroni Tolmos
Cristina Montgai. Lleida. Music is his passion. Without any doubt. And this thing that unwittingly entered his life, feels very much and very young. Even now, fortunately for all, he is still the rudder in his day to day. So much that, in addition to being its...
Antoni Tolmos in the Theater Ateneu of Tárrega
AnAntoni Tolmos offered his show "Energy" at the Ateneu Theater in Tàrrega on Saturday, January 26. An absolute plenary session with more than 500 people who enjoyed the repertoire of the CD Energy that the pianist recorded in Florence in 2016. In this event, the 50th...
Antoni Tolmos in Premis Culturàlia
Antoni Tolmos offered his speech "The music that looks at me" as a conclusion of the Culturàlia Awards held at the Ateneu de Tàrrega Theater. In this act, the Culturàlia 2018 Prizes were awarded to the Manuel de Pedrolo Foundation, the writer Sergi Pàmies, the...
Antoni Tolmos publishes UNIVERSE
The pianist Antoni Tolmos publishes his eleventh album entitled "Universe" on December 8, 2018. A work that marks a point and apart in the latest record jobs. On this occasion, his piano is one of the instruments that the musician has recorded in his own studio. A...
Antoni Tolmos inaugurates the International Education and Technology Congress 2018
In the framework of the Edutec 2018 International Education and Technology Congress, Antoni Tolmos gave a talk entitled "Technology, Music and Emotions". A collaborative performance where attendees actively participated with their mobile phones using synchronized...
No Surrender Festival
The video clip of the second edition of the No Surrender Festival held on June 30 in Vilanova de Bellpuig (Lleida) is published. The No Surrender Festival is a tribute festival to Bruce Springsteen where more than 1000 musicians and under the musical direction of...
“Truca el Nadal” new production
Antoni Tomos has presented the fifth release of the "Nadales Tolmos" project. "Truca el Nadal" is the new Christmas song sung by Clàudia Corell, eleven years old, award for the best soloist 2017 of the Nadales Tolmos competition. The song has lyrics by Enric Falguera...
The journalist Beatriz Vivar has interviewed Antoni Tolmos for Radio Hermes of Argentina. In the interview, a review is made of the trajectory of the pianist and composer, focusing on the importance of music in the way of being and showing oneself to others. ...
Ponència TEDx
Antoni Tolmos offered the talks "The music that looks at me" in the framework of the 2018 edition of the TEDx Lleida. The composer from Lleida spoke of the importance of music in the lives of people and the great value it has to have quality of life especially...
Music, synonymous with quality of life.
The magazine Maria Padilla Style has published the interview with Antoni Tolmos on the occasion of the concert that he offered to Barcelona in the chapel of the Conciliar Seminary. The event was framed within the 15th anniversary of the Hospitality Foundation.
Conference in Barcelona
Antoni Tolmos offered the conference "Music and its educational function" at the Manyanet Les Corts School in Barcelona this past Wednesday, June 20, 2018. The Manyanet Les Corts School is a pioneering center and stands out for its commitment for many years to believe...
Concerts Energy in Barcelona and Cambrils
Antoni Tolmos has offered two more concerts this week of his CD Energy. They have been to the Chapel of the Conciliar Seminary of Barcelona on the 22nd on the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Hospitality Foundation and the Auditorium of the Crypt of Cambrils on...
Antoni Tolmos “Gran Persona de Lleida 2018”
Antoni Tolmos has received the "Gran Persona de Lleida 2018" award for his artistic career and social commitment granted annually by the institution "TEl armats Lleida". He received the prize of the councilor of Lleida City Council Paco Cerdà.
Antoni Tolmos Concert in Mollerussa
Antoni Tolmos offered on February 24th the concert of his current album titled Energy at the Municipal Theater L'Amistat de Mollerussa.
“Identitat Sonora” Antoni Tolmos & Xavi Calderó
“Identitat Sonora” is a documentary created by Antoni Tolmos and Xavi Calderó on it talks about the importance of music in the life of people and the magic of transporting us in the time.
Concert Antoni Tolmos in Balaguer
Antoni Tolmos offered on Sunday December 3 a concert at the Municipal Theater of Balaguer with the content of his current album Energy. CD that he recorded last year at the Officina Sonora studios in Florence in Italy.
Mamapop 2017
With the theme of "Hollywood" and under the musical direction of Antoni Tolmos was filled on Saturday 25N on two occasions the Auditorium Enric Granados de Lleida. More than 1,500 people attended the fourth installment of the charity gala "mamapop", which is destined...
Lecture in Almacelles
Antoni Tolmos offered on September 28 the conference "The music of life" within the programming of the University Extension of Almacellas.
Official Video Festival No Surrender
In August 2017 the official video clip of the "No Surrender Festival" was held in Vilanova de Bellpuig on 8 July. More than 1000 musicians at the time and under the direction of Antoni Tolmos interpreted the song "No Surrender" of Bruce Springsteen.
Antoni Tolmos in Rialp
Antoni Tolmos offered his "Energy" concert on August 5th at 22:30 in the church of Rialp in the framework of the Festival of Music of Vila de Rialp 2017. The CD Energy was recorded in Italy in 2016 and maintains the intimate line of Tolmos' previous work "The New Age...
Education. The only way.
Antoni Tolmos offered the speech of Graduation of new teachers of the Faculty of Education, Psychology and Social Work of the University of Lleida. In the act Antoni Tolmos spoke about the importance of Education and combined it with holographic projections.
Musical Rubab
The Llotja Theater was the scene where more than 1000 people could see the reissue of the Musical Rubab, with libretto by Ramon Molins and original music by Antoni Tolmos. The show had the technical production of the "Intèrpret Productions" directed by Alfons Pérez.
Conferència Universitat de Lleida
Antoni Tolmos offered a lecture on "Music as a source of energy" on Monday 22 May in the auditorium of the University of Lleida's Rectorate building.
Graduació Lestonnac 2017
Antoni Tolmos held on Friday May 19 the graduation speech as a sponsor of the baccalaureate promotion of the College Lestonnac de Lleida. He encouraged them to start their new life stage with maximum illusion and energy.
No surrender Festival
Antoni Tolmos is the artistic director of the "No Surrender Festival" to be held on 7 and 8 July 2017 in Vilanova de Bellpuig (Lleida). The most outstanding event of the Festival will be the audio and video recording of the song "No surrender" of Bruce Springsteen...
Concert in Tremp
Antoni Tolmos gave yerterday 23th of April the Energy concert in the Teatre La Lira of Tremp, where he played all his CD recorded recently in Italy.
Diari Ara – Criatures
Antoni Tolmos talks about the importance of musical education in the supplement "Criatures" of "Ara Journal". In the publication he insists on how the practice of music develops the different areas of the brain that allow children to be more productive in the...
“El teu nom” (A. Tolmos)
Antoni Tolmos has published these days the video of the song "El teu nom". This song is the vocal version of Sara from the CD "The new age piano album". This time, he has had the singer and actress Carla Gardenyes. EL TEU NOM (A. Tolmos) Voldria cantar les notes més...
Awards Ciutat de Cornellà
Antoni Tolmos did the musical direction in the show "Premis Ciutat de Cornellà 2017". he was sharing escenario with the musicians Roser Loscos (violin), Jaume Olivé (bass) Andi Simon Fernández (flute).
Speech in Girona
Last Tuesday, Antoni Tolmos gave in Girona his speech "Life's music". He spoke about importance of music in the several life steps.
Concert a Mora d’Ebre
Antoni Tolmos will give a concert of his CD Energy in the Teatre Municipal La Llanterna de Mora d'Ebre. It will be this Saturday 18 of Marx at 22h. +info & tickets in the l'Ajuntament de Móra d'Ebre from 10 to 14 h. tel. 606361273
Concert CD Energy in Lleida
Antoni Tolmos has presented its new Energy CD in the city of Lleida. The Enric Granados Auditorium hosted on December 16 in concert which is the 10th album by the Catalan pianist recorded at Officina Sonora Studios in Italy.
Concert CD Energy a Barcelona
Antoni Tolmos has presented his last CD work for piano Energy in Barcelona. The concert, who is celebrated in the Centre Cívic Pere Pruna, is inclouded in the Catalan composers cycle.
video clip “Where are the caresses?”
"Where are the caresses?" (CD Energy. A. Tolmos) Children who grow without smiles. Families that never celebrate anything. Impotence. Black and white images. And more impotence. Photographs that photojournalist Sandra Balsells should never have met. Music that should...
Video Clip “Sigh no more”
New video clip with another theme Energy CD, "Sigh no more", sigh no more. Dedicated to all the people who play in real time where time no stops and where you always face it with positive energy. With the participation of Laia Llobera, Rosa Sanchez, Albert Calzada,...
New Christmas production
Within the projected "Nadales Tolmos" has been released these days the new production "Nadal al teu costat", the voice is Mariona Escoda, winner 2015. Also participated musicians of the conservatory the "L'nterpret" of Lleida. Working materials, sheet music and audio...
CD Energy is published
Antoni Tolmos presents these days his tenth album. The CD "Energy" has been recorded in the studios Oficcina Sonora Florence in Italy. He maintains the intimate line of his previous album "The new age piano album" recorded in London with reflection sounds i seeking...
El CD “Energy” is recorded in Italy
Antoni Tolmos Florence recorded his new album "Energy" in Florence. It was in the "Officina Sonora" with Lawrence Fancelli. This work, the tenth of the pianist, will be released in autumn this year.
Antoni Tolmos’s lectures
Two Antoni Tolmos's lectures this past week in Ripollet "Managing stage fright" and Lleida "Music in the media".
Master Class Funtional Harmony
Antoni Tolmos gives a master class about Funtional Harmony in the Flix Music School.
Concert in Flix
Antoni Tolmos offers a concert to the Theatre La Unió of Flix the 30 of April of 2016 with the content of his CD "The new age piano album".
The adventure of creating
Antoni Tolmos has taught the master class "The adventure of creating" the Institute of Caparrella of Lleida. The talk was aimed at young visual artists who have been able to delve into the creative mechanisms of the brain and how we can strengthen them,
Next concert in Flix
The Saturday 30 of Abril to the 20:30h Antoni Tolmos will offer a concert to the Theatre of Flix with his CD "The New Age Piano Album". It Will be one of the last occasions to listen this work, given that this 2016 Antoni Tolmos will edit the CD Energy. +info Of the...
Antoni Tolmos & Lorena Gómez
Antoni Tolmos collaborated with his piano in the concert that the singer Lorena Gomez offered at Teatro La Llotja de Lleida. A show attended by about a thousand people who could listen to the best songs of the Catalan artist winner of the sixth edition of "Operación...
Ponència al IDA
Antoni Tolmos va oferir la poència "Escoltar, imaginar i decidir" sobre com la música ens dispara la imaginació, la sensibilitat i la creativitat. Va ser aquest passat dissabte a l'IDA, Incubadora d'empreses d'Innovació Agrometalúrgica a Bell-lloch i organitzades per...
Concert al Teatre Atlàntida de Vic
Antoni Tolmos va oferir el dimecres 16 de Desembre un recital a Vic amb el contingut del seu darrer disc "The new age piano album". El prop d'un miler d'assistents va poder escoltar també les explicacions del pianista català parlant d'emocions i creant una gran...
Acte de nomenament del Doctor Oriol Saña
Antoni Tolmos ha estat membre, juntament amb el Dr.Ballester i Dr.Borràs, del Tribunal que ha nomenat al reconegut violinista Oriol Saña com a nou Doctor Universitari. La defensa de la Tesi Doctoral es va dur a terme el passat divendres 11 de Desembre a la Facultat de...
Èxit mamapop 2015
El mamapop 2015 omple dues vegades l'auditori Enric Granados de Lleida. Sota la direcció d'Antoni Tolmos, una tretena de músics i cantants van recordar les cançons més emblemàtiques de la història del cinema. Els beneficis aniran cap a la recerca del càncer de mama....
Nou CD de Círculo de Borneo
Antoni Tolmos ha realitzat la producció musical del disc "El incansable finalista" de Círculo de Borneo. Cançó d'autor amb arranjaments pop i interpretat per un quintet clàssic. Magistrals lletres de Joan Magrí i música i arranjaments de Josep M. Porté. + info
Concurs Nadala Tolmos 2015
Nova edició del Concurs de Nadales Tolmos per a joves de 10 a 16 anys. En sortirà el/la solista de la Nadala del 2016. Per a més informació i bases del concurs
Mama Pop 2ª Edició
14 de Novembre - Auditori Enric Granados de Lleida - Mama Pop (2ª edició). Dues sessions 19h i 22h Un concert amb les millors cançons del cinema de tots els temps: El guardaespaldas, Titanic, Flashdance, Dirty *Dancing, Ghost, Oficial y caballero... amb una orquestra...
Antoni Tolmos a la Seu Vella de Lleida
Antoni Tolmos aconsegueix omplir de públic la nau central de la Seu Vella en el concert que ha ofert dins del Festival Concòrdia de música per a la pau. El pianista va interpretar les obres del seu disc "The New Age Piano Album" amb un públic entregat als seus sons...
Concert a la Seu Vella de Lleida
Divendres 25/9 les 21h Concert CD THE NEW AGE PIANO ALBUM a la Nau Central de la Seu Vella de Lleida. + info i entrades
Antoni Tolmos en les Jornades CREA
Antoni Tolmos en les Jornades Crea 2015 de l'Associació Professional de Teatre, on ha parlat amb els professionals del Teatre sobre la importància de la música original i real en les produccions teatrals.
Projecte per a TV
Antoni Tolmos dirigeix i presenta un nou procecte per a televisió que ha estat enregistrat aquests dies a Badalona i Barcelona.
Curs sobre rendiment artístic
"Desperta el geni que hi ha dins teu" és el curs que Antoni Tolmos oferirà del 6 al 10 de Juliol al Centre Doceo-Training de Lleida juntament amb Gorka Bartolomé i estarà adreçat a l'àmbit artístic i educatiu. Descarrega pdf informatiu
Discurs de graduació a la Llotja de Lleida
Antoni Tolmos va oferir el 22 de Maig el discurs de graduació com a padrí de la promoció 2011-2015 de la Titulació de Mestre en Educació Infantil de la Universitat de Lleida. Enllaç a galería de fotos.
Concert i conferència a Polònia
16 de Maig de 2015 LUBIN Polònia Conferència dins les Jornades de Neuropsicologia "La música com a conexió emocional" + Concert "The New Age Piano Album"
Edició CD per a Zum Zum Teatre
L'obra de teatre "La nena que vivia en una capsa de sabates" de Ramon Molins, veurà l'edició en CD de totes les músiques i cançons de l'espectacle interpretades per Lleidart Ensemble i composades per Antoni Tolmos i Begonya Ferrer. La gravació s'ha dut a terme als...
Concert Antoni Tolmos a Lleida
"The New Age Piano Album" 12 d'Abril a les 19:00h Espai Orfeó Lleida
Conferència d’Antoni Tolmos
CONFERÈNCIA ANTONI TOLMOS "La música de la vida" Universitat de Lleida 8 Abril de 2015
Converses Down. Com sona la teva vida?
Que la música està present en totes la vides i en totes les cultures és alguna cosa tan cert com a imprescindible alhora. Però saber com sona la nostra existència pot ser una aventura realment fascinant. Com afirma Rolando Benenzón, a propòsit de la Identitat Sonora...
Conferència: la música als mitjans audiovisuals
LA MÚSICA ALS MITJANS AUDIOVISUALS A l'Escola d'Enginyeria de Telecomunicacions i Aeroespacial de Castelldefels.
- 17-02-2024 Concierto 2pianoS. Teatro Municipal. 20h Vera (Almería)
- 10-03-2024 Concierto 2pianoS. Teatro Municipal. 19h Arenys de Mar (Barcelona)
- 6,13 y 27-04-2024 Concurso Alpitalent. Jurado. Alpicat (Lleida)
- 25-04-2024 Estreno “Gaudeamus Igitur”. 11h Auditori de Cappont. UdL Lleida
- 03-05-2024 Concert 2pianoS. Teatre Municipal. 20h Lloret de Mar (Girona)
- 04-05-2024 Presentación EP de Gisela Quirós. Auditori Barradas. 20h Hospitalet de Llobregat. Barcelona.
- 26-05-2024 Concert 2pianoS. Sala Municipal. 19h Puigverd de Lleida
- 30-05-2024 Conferencia. 19h Palau d’Anglesola (lleida)
- 09-06-2024 Concert Piano Interior. 19h Sala La Mercantil. Balaguer (Lleida)
- 15-06-2024 Concert Piano Interior. 22h Església Sant Pau. Lleida
- 16-06-2024 Concert Piano Interior. 19h Sala Barcelona Piano Studio. Barcelona
- 20-06-2024 Conferència/Concert. 17:30h AEU Manresa (Barcelona)
- 29-06-2024 Concert Piano Interior. 19h Sala Barcelona Piano Studio. Barcelona
- 15-09-2024 Reconocimiento “Ametlla de Plata” a la trayectoria musical. Villagrasa (Lleida)
- 21-09-2024 Conferencia/Concierto. 20h Sidamon (Lleida)
- 03-10-2024 Concierto con Lluís Sánchez – Ganador de Euforia TV3 20:30h Lleida +info
- 17-10-2024 Acto privado organizado por AFRUCAT. Museu Morera. Lleida
- 22-10-2024 Conferencia/Concierto. 19h Rosselló (Lleida)
- 09-11-2024 Espectáculo “Jaume Magre”. Auditorio Enric Granados. Lleida
- 11-11-2024 Concert a La Canonja. 20:30h (Free entrance) La Seu Vella. Lleida
- 16-11-2024 Concert mamapop – Col·laboració. 21h Palau Firal de Tarragona
- 17-11-2024 Concert 2pianoS. Teatro Gonzalo de Berceo 12:30h Logroño
- 30-11-2024 Concert mamapop – Col·laboració. 18h i 22h La Llotja de Lleida
- 01-12-2024 Concert mamapop – Col·laboració. 18h La Llotja de Lleida
- 02-01-2025 La Factoria dels Reixos – Direcció Musical. La Llotja de Lleida
- 03-01-2025 La Factoria dels Reixos – Direcció Musical. La Llotja de Lleida
- 04-01-2025 La Factoria dels Reixos – Direcció Musical. La Llotja de Lleida
- 16-11-2024 Concierto 2pianoS. Teatro Gonzalo de Berceo 12:30h Logroño
- 13-06-2025 Conferencia/Concierto. 19:00h Mollerussa (Lleida)
- 05-03-2025 Conferencia Universitat de Lleida
- 06-03-2025 Conferencia Universitat de Lleida
- 13-06-2025 Conferencia/Concierto. 20:30h Guissona (Lleida)
“learn to listen to the silence and enjoy the music fully”