Concert in Tremp
Antoni Tolmos gave yerterday 23th of April the Energy concert in the Teatre La Lira of Tremp, where he played all his CD recorded recently in Italy.
Diari Ara – Criatures
Antoni Tolmos talks about the importance of musical education in the supplement "Criatures" of "Ara Journal". In the publication he insists on how the practice of music develops the different areas of the brain that allow children to be more productive in the...
“El teu nom” (A. Tolmos)
Antoni Tolmos has published these days the video of the song "El teu nom". This song is the vocal version of Sara from the CD "The new age piano album". This time, he has had the singer and actress Carla Gardenyes. EL TEU NOM (A. Tolmos) Voldria cantar les notes més...
Awards Ciutat de Cornellà
Antoni Tolmos did the musical direction in the show "Premis Ciutat de Cornellà 2017". he was sharing escenario with the musicians Roser Loscos (violin), Jaume Olivé (bass) Andi Simon Fernández (flute).
Speech in Girona
Last Tuesday, Antoni Tolmos gave in Girona his speech "Life's music". He spoke about importance of music in the several life steps.
Concert a Mora d’Ebre
Antoni Tolmos will give a concert of his CD Energy in the Teatre Municipal La Llanterna de Mora d'Ebre. It will be this Saturday 18 of Marx at 22h. +info & tickets in the l'Ajuntament de Móra d'Ebre from 10 to 14 h. tel. 606361273
Concert CD Energy in Lleida
Antoni Tolmos has presented its new Energy CD in the city of Lleida. The Enric Granados Auditorium hosted on December 16 in concert which is the 10th album by the Catalan pianist recorded at Officina Sonora Studios in Italy.
Concert CD Energy a Barcelona
Antoni Tolmos has presented his last CD work for piano Energy in Barcelona. The concert, who is celebrated in the Centre Cívic Pere Pruna, is inclouded in the Catalan composers cycle.
video clip “Where are the caresses?”
"Where are the caresses?" (CD Energy. A. Tolmos) Children who grow without smiles. Families that never celebrate anything. Impotence. Black and white images. And more impotence. Photographs that photojournalist Sandra Balsells should never have met. Music that should...
Video Clip “Sigh no more”
New video clip with another theme Energy CD, "Sigh no more", sigh no more. Dedicated to all the people who play in real time where time no stops and where you always face it with positive energy. With the participation of Laia Llobera, Rosa Sanchez, Albert Calzada,...
New Christmas production
Within the projected "Nadales Tolmos" has been released these days the new production "Nadal al teu costat", the voice is Mariona Escoda, winner 2015. Also participated musicians of the conservatory the "L'nterpret" of Lleida. Working materials, sheet music and audio...
CD Energy is published
Antoni Tolmos presents these days his tenth album. The CD "Energy" has been recorded in the studios Oficcina Sonora Florence in Italy. He maintains the intimate line of his previous album "The new age piano album" recorded in London with reflection sounds i seeking...
El CD “Energy” is recorded in Italy
Antoni Tolmos Florence recorded his new album "Energy" in Florence. It was in the "Officina Sonora" with Lawrence Fancelli. This work, the tenth of the pianist, will be released in autumn this year.
Antoni Tolmos’s lectures
Two Antoni Tolmos's lectures this past week in Ripollet "Managing stage fright" and Lleida "Music in the media".
Master Class Funtional Harmony
Antoni Tolmos gives a master class about Funtional Harmony in the Flix Music School.
Concert in Flix
Antoni Tolmos offers a concert to the Theatre La Unió of Flix the 30 of April of 2016 with the content of his CD "The new age piano album".
The adventure of creating
Antoni Tolmos has taught the master class "The adventure of creating" the Institute of Caparrella of Lleida. The talk was aimed at young visual artists who have been able to delve into the creative mechanisms of the brain and how we can strengthen them,
Next concert in Flix
The Saturday 30 of Abril to the 20:30h Antoni Tolmos will offer a concert to the Theatre of Flix with his CD "The New Age Piano Album". It Will be one of the last occasions to listen this work, given that this 2016 Antoni Tolmos will edit the CD Energy. +info Of the...
Antoni Tolmos & Lorena Gómez
Antoni Tolmos collaborated with his piano in the concert that the singer Lorena Gomez offered at Teatro La Llotja de Lleida. A show attended by about a thousand people who could listen to the best songs of the Catalan artist winner of the sixth edition of "Operación...
Ponència al IDA
Antoni Tolmos va oferir la poència "Escoltar, imaginar i decidir" sobre com la música ens dispara la imaginació, la sensibilitat i la creativitat. Va ser aquest passat dissabte a l'IDA, Incubadora d'empreses d'Innovació Agrometalúrgica a Bell-lloch i organitzades per...
Concert al Teatre Atlàntida de Vic
Antoni Tolmos va oferir el dimecres 16 de Desembre un recital a Vic amb el contingut del seu darrer disc "The new age piano album". El prop d'un miler d'assistents va poder escoltar també les explicacions del pianista català parlant d'emocions i creant una gran...
Acte de nomenament del Doctor Oriol Saña
Antoni Tolmos ha estat membre, juntament amb el Dr.Ballester i Dr.Borràs, del Tribunal que ha nomenat al reconegut violinista Oriol Saña com a nou Doctor Universitari. La defensa de la Tesi Doctoral es va dur a terme el passat divendres 11 de Desembre a la Facultat de...
Èxit mamapop 2015
El mamapop 2015 omple dues vegades l'auditori Enric Granados de Lleida. Sota la direcció d'Antoni Tolmos, una tretena de músics i cantants van recordar les cançons més emblemàtiques de la història del cinema. Els beneficis aniran cap a la recerca del càncer de mama....
Nou CD de Círculo de Borneo
Antoni Tolmos ha realitzat la producció musical del disc "El incansable finalista" de Círculo de Borneo. Cançó d'autor amb arranjaments pop i interpretat per un quintet clàssic. Magistrals lletres de Joan Magrí i música i arranjaments de Josep M. Porté. + info
Concurs Nadala Tolmos 2015
Nova edició del Concurs de Nadales Tolmos per a joves de 10 a 16 anys. En sortirà el/la solista de la Nadala del 2016. Per a més informació i bases del concurs