Antoni Tolmos did the musical direction in the show “Premis Ciutat de Cornellà 2017”. he was sharing escenario with the musicians Roser Loscos (violin), Jaume Olivé (bass) Andi Simon Fernández (flute).
Entrades Recents
- Antoni Tolmos gives a conference for the company SUPSA
- Antoni Tolmos, musical director by “La Factoria dels Reixos”
- Antoni Tolmos awarded with the “Silver Almond” for his career
- Antoni Tolmos creates a new gospel version of the International University anthem “Gaudeamus Igitur”
- Antoni Tolmos, musical director of “La Factoria dels Reixos”
- Antoni Tolmos collaborates with the artist Gisela Quirós
- “Piano interior” in concert. 15 work by Antoni Tolmos