Gaudeamus igitur. Gospel version by Antoni Tolmos. Produced by the Universitat de Lleida.


Antoni Tolmos Tena, Matías López López

Gaudeamus igitur

Edicions i publicacions de la Universitat de Lleida

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  • Arranjements and musical direction by Antoni Tolmos
  • Barcelona Gospel Messengers
  • Orquesta Sinfónica Julià Carbonell de les Terres de Lleida
  • Production of the Universitat de Lleida.
  • Book with all the scores and a historical approach by Matías López López.
This publication presents a new version of the university anthem Gaudeamus igitur, created by the musician and professor Antoni Tolmos Tena, with its corresponding scores. The melody has been adapted to a meter of four beats, thus varying the original written to three. The musical style travels to the rhythm of pop and gospel in what can be considered an approach of the song to more modern times if we compare it with the already known versions for classical choir.
The reasons for this change, especially rhythmic, are because its original ternary division was somewhat forced and was not what its melodic nature required. If we look at the birth of this composition, brilliantly illustrated by professor Matías López López through a magnificent historical and philological study, we observe that the melody was most likely transcribed into sheet music after being created out loud, also taking into account, which in its long history has undergone changes in tonality and in the way of understanding rhythmic pulsation.
Therefore, this one now can be considered a new adaptation that does not intend, however, to establish a lecture and that may even invite new and creative reinterpretations in the future. As for the sound recording of the song, it should be noted that it has been carried out brilliantly by the choral group Barcelona Gospel Messengers, very generously donated for the occasion by its director Ramon Escalé, founder and responsible for its magnificent learning and development in the field of modern music and gospel.
Regarding the instrumental packaging, highlight the professionalism of the musicians and, of course, the string section of the Julià Carbonell Symphony Orchestra, thanking its chief conductor, Alfons Reverté, for the ease of management and dedication of their interpreters.

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