The television series “a4mans” created and presented by Antoni Tolmos returns on the air after the shutdown due to the confinement of this 2020. The first 4 chapters already broadcast will be reissued, giving 4 more unpublished chapters. The program can be followed on the web and every Tuesday at 10pm on Channel 33. This program is based on the vital journey of people invited through the important songs in their lives.
Entrades Recents
- Antoni Tolmos, musical director by “La Factoria dels Reixos”
- Antoni Tolmos awarded with the “Silver Almond” for his career
- Antoni Tolmos creates a new gospel version of the International University anthem “Gaudeamus Igitur”
- Antoni Tolmos, musical director of “La Factoria dels Reixos”
- Antoni Tolmos collaborates with the artist Gisela Quirós
- “Piano interior” in concert. 15 work by Antoni Tolmos
- Master Class sobre creatividad musical