YOUR BEST SCENARIO. 12 keys to act in public and in life. (Spanish)


Antoni Tolmos. 174 pag. (Spanish) Editorial MILENIO   buy   paper   digital



TU MEJOR ESCENARIO. Antoni Tolmos. 12 Claves para actuar en público y en la vida. Libro 174 páginas.

TU MEJOR ESCENARIO. Antoni Tolmos. Libro de la Editorial MILENIO

Improvisació musical. Crear i gaudir en temps real - Antoni Tolmos

On the ep.14 of my podcast I talk about… my book!


Your best scenario gives you the keys to perform effectively in public… and in LIFE

The book will help you communicate successfully before any type of audience, giving the best of yourself and leaving your small mark on those who have been lucky enough to listen to you.

Because as the plastic artist Andy Warhol said: “The idea is not to live forever, but to create something that does.”

Hello! I am Antoni Tolmos.

I started on stage more than 25 years ago naively believing that my mission was to play the piano to receive the best applause from a dedicated audience.

But little by little I felt the need to go further and find out the reason for the tears of emotion that my music aroused.

Something incredible happened the first time I got up from the piano bench and spoke to them looking into their eyes. And as if by magic, after hearing me speak, they liked the way I played better. How curious!

I investigated, I trained, I learned, I taught and today I give you these words, full of music, where I explain the keys to act in a highly effective way on the most amazing stage that we have ever stepped on: LIFE.

Yes! You have read correctly, it is about “stepping” with all your might on your best scenario. This is how the book begins:

Look at your feet right now…



Tu mejor escenario


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And remember that every week I publish a new episode of the podcast ACTUANDO, where I contribute valuable reflections and content on the communication process. Great if you subscribe and send me your comments.

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